
Posts Tagged ‘Getting it Done’

Time is ticking away and I am a busy woman!

Our fruit tree grafting is in full swing and so far I have 100% success on the peach trees. I’ll get a separate blog update later.

Millions of Peaches (some day, I hope!)

Millions of Peaches (some day, I hope!)

Below I have a compilation of things… little stories and photos to tag along… Enjoy!



Children Friends

In August we finished our last fogon and I spent the whole afternoon hanging out on a little wood shack complex, where I was trying to figure out what kids belonged to who and which house. A group of young gals were playing with their dolls and a cardboard box. Their dolls were flying (cardboard box = airplane) to Buenos Aires! Which is a common place for Paraguayans to fly to. The interaction was followed by lots of questions about airplanes and such. At the end of the day, Miriam, a 9 year-old who I had spent a lot of time with asked as I was leaving, “Can I ask you a question?”

“Sure!” I said.

“Can we be friends?” asked Miriam.

“Of course!” I said. That little girl made me SO happy!



NOT Friends

Knocking on my door one morning as I walk downstairs.  Absolutely NOT allowed in. Ew.

NO.  You cannot come in.

NO. You cannot come in.



Spring in Full Swing!

Pollen fills the air and flowers and trees are budding all around!  My garden is starting to produce (finally!).



Making Forests…

In the past week, I have delivered 1,500 trees to my community for five different committee groups to plant at home to promote reforestation!  Woohoo!

Miracles... 1100 trees in this truck!  Reforestation Apyragua, here we come!

Miracles… 1100 trees in this truck! Reforestation Apyragua, here we come!



$2 USD no mas!

Why not?  She had an electric machine that sanded off parts of my dry, cracked feet!  I could use some more serious work, but it’s a start!

$2 pedicure.  Finally.

$2 pedicure. Finally.



Taped to the wall…

At the end of the Peace Corps service, there is an incredible amount of paperwork to be done.  I do NOT like leaving things for the last minute; too much stress.  So I’m throwing it up on the wall and crossing things off!

Rainy days = getting stuff done!

Rainy days = getting stuff done!


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